Our Concourse Trail Custodian program was officially launched on July of 2017 through our website and social media. The goal of the program is to match volunteers with routes throughout the Northeast Avalon region to help keep our trails clean and safe. Registered volunteers aid in maintenance efforts by placing litter in garbage bins and reporting issues like tripping hazards or vandalism during their regular trail use. Our trail network has spread to nearly 200 kms throughout 8 municipalities, which is a large area for our crews to cover so even small collective efforts can go a long way for keeping trails clean. Studies also show that visible efforts to clean or pick up litter resonate with people and discourage others from littering. In this way, we've encouraged citizens to become community leaders and set an example for others.
Register as a custodian today and help keep our trails clean and safe for all users!
We are deeply grateful for all of your support!